COURSE 2025-2026
CREENA will lead a new Erasmus+ consortium in the 2025-2026 academic year, and we would like to invite public educational centers that are part of TC-DUA, centers within PROA+, centers that are learning communities, public centers with specific structures, public centers centers with ACNEAE index less than -2 and public special education centers.
The Erasmus+ CREENA consortium offers schools the opportunity to participate in an educational mobility project at European level, allowing their teaching staff to participate in professional development activities abroad, such as structured courses and periods of professional observation. Todos aquellos centros públicos que estén interesados en participar tendrán que generar un código OID.(Quedan excluidos los centros que están acreditados o centros con proyectos KA22). The centers that are part of our consortium are committed to being centers that receive other foreign teachers.
The consortium is open to having 60 members. If we have more applications than places, we will prioritize the new centers.
If your center is interested in joining this initiative, please let us know no later than January 14 by writing to: