Accreditation objectives

Improve the Response to Intervention (RTI) given to students by the teachers of the consortium organizations (schools and CREENA).

Improve professional skills of the teaching staff of the schools and of CREENA’s staff.

Train professionals to transform organizations with a more inclusive orientation from a global and sostenibly perspective.

Promote and guide global transformations of schools so that they design and develop Inclusive Educational Projects with a UDL approach (Universal Design for Learning).

Reducing early school leaving in Navarra as a result of organizational and structural changes in schools.

Increase schooling in ordinary centres for students with special needs and reduce segregating structures in Secondary Education.

Integrate within the teaching practice the registration, documentation, exchange and dissemination of good educational practices.

Promote the update of Navarra´s regulation to develope the principle of educational inclusion and indicate specific actions that are required for its achievement.

«Every child can learn, just not on the same day, or in the same way.»
— George Evans
Tajonar Kalea 14, 31006 Pamplona/Iruña (Navarra)